Future Projects
Restoration of Trucks
1920 Stutz
Historical List of Owners
1920 - 1959 - Indianapolis, Indiana FD1959 - ? - Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity's Brookline FD
? - 1983 - Stan Renolds - Alberta
1983 - 2002 - Keith Ewart - Moose Jaw
2002 - present - Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village Museum
Historically the Stutz fire trucks are fairly rare as they were only produced for a short period of time and most of the production was for the Indianapolis Fire Department. This will be the next truck on our priority list to be restored. At present we are waiting to get estimates on the work required then we will be launching a fund raising campaign to get this done.
1951 Bickle Ladder Truck
Historical List of Owners
1951 - 1990's - Regina, Sk FD1990's - 2010 - J Pratt, Grand Coulee, Sk FD
2010 - present - Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village Museum
As you can see from the first two pictures, this was a very nice looking truck in its day. We hope to bring it back to that same look as soon as possible. (We will be restoring it to the original red)
1965 International King Seagrave
Historical List of Owners
1965 - ? - London, On FD
? - 1990's - Oak Lake, Mb FD
1990's - 2008 - Art Boisclair - Moose Jaw
2008 - present - Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village Museum
This truck will not take a huge amount of work to restore it to its former glory. Mostly just paint and a bit of mechanical work.
1953 Chevy
Historical List of Owners
- Dept. of Forestry- Macklin, Sk FD
- Art Boisclair - Moose Jaw
- Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village Museum
Restoration of this truck is in progress at the moment.
New Building Project