Restored Projects

1937 Ford Bickle-Seagrave
Historical List of owners
1937-1980's - Watrous, Sk FD1980's - 2002 - Keith Ewart - Moose Jaw
2002-2008 - Art Boisclair - Moose Jaw
2008 - present - Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village Museum
Air Raid Protection Trailer
Built by Bickle Seagrave during the second world war the ARP was the governments solution to providing fire protection to both ends of the country, which were considered to be at risk for possible air raids, while still conserving metal to use for the war effort. Basically just a motor with a pump attached they could be hooked to any available vehicle to be taken to a fire scene. Restored to perfect running order this one is still used to alleviate any spring flooding problems at the museum.

1953 Bickle-Seagrave
Historical List of Owners
1953 - ? - Royal Canadian Air Force? - 1980's - Weyburn, Sk FD
1980's - 2000 - Pense, Sk FD
2000 - 2003 - Art Boiclair - Moose Jaw
2003 - 2006 - W. Lloyd - Moose Jaw
2006 - present - Dean Redman - Moose Jaw
1961 Mack C125
Historical List of Owners
1961 - 1981 - Edmonton, Ab FD1981 - 2002 - Smeaton, Sk FD
2002 - 2012 - Shellbrook, Sk FD
2012 - present - Davis Family - Moose Jaw

1981 Ford Horton
Historical List of Owners
1981 - 1990's - Calgary, AB EMS (Ambulance)1990's - 2007 - Esterhazy, Sk FD (converted to Rescue Truck)
2007 - 2008 - J Hopkins - Regina
2008 - present - Doug Smith - Moose Jaw